There are four parts in the listening test with ten questions each. Each part is a little more difficult than the one before. The questions are asked in the same chronological order as the answers in the audio. This means that the answer for the first question will be heard first followed by the next question. Remember, that every question has same weightage and there is no negative marking for a wrong answer. So attempt all questions!
In part 1, you will hear a dialogue. This is usually a conversation between two people set in everyday social context. For example, conversation about travel arrangements, booking a table at a restaurant or renting an apartment.
In part 2, you will hear a monologue where one speaker talks about everyday social context. For example, a speech about local facilities, information about a building, a company, a resort, etc.
In part 3, you will hear conversation between up to 4 people. Usually, this is an academic discussion. For example, a university tutor and a student discussing an assignment, Students guided by professor, or students presenting their resource to their colleagues.
In part 4, you will hear a monologue. There is only one speaker who speaks about an academic topic. For example, a lecture on hair or how to prepare powerpoint presentations.